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Score section

Welcome to our score section. Below you find data that we track from the highscores of the game Syrnia. The scores reset every sundaynight 00:01 Syrnia time.

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Clan scores

Top 10 clan exp gains

1 ~FoS~ 54 47,325 11,803,195,565 +26,062,507
2 Arch 64 47,568 5,689,629,389 +17,054,677
3 CLEAN 58 36,746 5,242,566,436 +15,047,775
4 Corps 18 18,197 6,411,635,212 +14,113,201
5 Drunk 6 6,740 2,130,974,811 +13,841,794
6 TLO 33 30,912 5,237,300,818 +11,244,483
7 *TF* 42 32,151 6,068,116,647 +8,235,576
8 Pond 9 8,200 2,420,995,470 +7,361,246
9 O.G. 12 12,591 2,126,286,314 +5,891,108
10 CFH 78 22,594 2,364,152,950 +5,804,929

Player scores

Top 10 player exp gains

1 Larissa 983 98,836,042 +7,250,000
2 Scray 2,183 1,061,642,892 +4,655,644
3 a_f_c 1,068 363,958,701 +4,090,202
4 Greensky 1,845 1,054,943,228 +3,852,181
5 Misteeq 1,292 1,182,684,075 +3,759,699
6 Voodoo 1,178 293,712,401 +3,705,120
7 Darren 1,852 1,733,751,080 +3,332,930
8 wikid 1,906 1,427,902,339 +3,323,015
9 TermaMatrix 1,640 1,092,106,491 +3,317,246
10 Greg 1,504 774,810,167 +3,281,578

Hall of fame

Check out the all time best exp gains here!


- Reworked the database and functions for the Deathscores. HoF still currently unavailable

2024-06-30 Mr Tiddles

- Removal of the Deathscores for now to rebuild them in the future

2024-06-30 Mr Tiddles

- Arch. caves 6 is being added we need all the info you can help us with! Feel free to message me and ill keep checking forums.

2024-06-08 mazrim taim

- New gamans added to creature list with normal non invasion exps!

2024-05-15 mazrim taim

- Death scores now display from our database to produce weekly kills

2024-05-15 Mr Tiddles

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