170 Players are online.


We have developed the following tools which you can use to improve your Syrnian experience.

Chest Cracker

Don't you hate it when you are cracking a strange chest, but can't remember which numbers you already tried? No more of this. New javascript version developed by Hazgod.

Arch. cave 2 revealed

No more endless clicking in the dark. This tool shows exactly where you have to click to move. Images by Paragon, Dumdum and Wyks.

Best equipment tool

This tool shows the best available weapons and armour for you based on your attack, defence and combat level. Developed by Wyks.

Outlands/BattleMage loader

A quick tool to pre-cache Syrnia's gamescreen and battlemage, outlands and inventory images. Especially useful for slow connections. In the Outlands this can make the difference between life and death. Credits to Fritsz and Langemol for the idea.


- Reworked the database and functions for the Deathscores. HoF still currently unavailable

2024-06-30 Mr Tiddles

- Removal of the Deathscores for now to rebuild them in the future

2024-06-30 Mr Tiddles

- Arch. caves 6 is being added we need all the info you can help us with! Feel free to message me and ill keep checking forums.

2024-06-08 mazrim taim

- New gamans added to creature list with normal non invasion exps!

2024-05-15 mazrim taim

- Death scores now display from our database to produce weekly kills

2024-05-15 Mr Tiddles

Contacting us

Contact one of our admins in game through messages.

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Support Syrnia

Spread the word and get new players to the game. You can see how many players the game has here!