Hall of Fame

In our hall of fame you can see the top 50 exp gains of all time. A player only appears once per skill with his or her personal record. The level and experience at the time of beating the record are also shown.
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Speed hall of fame

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Rank Player Lvl Exp Record Date of record
1 GreatScottie 163 58,281,014 +1,700,174 2017, Week 17
2 Scray 140 34,374,216 +1,072,368 2024, Week 09
3 Fat Thumbs 154 47,139,002 +1,033,727 2024, Week 49
4 C4LV1N 152 45,319,325 +1,018,159 2017, Week 16
5 Meatloaf 134 29,616,661 +931,842 2023, Week 31
6 personer 119 19,591,142 +865,527 2021, Week 03
7 JR III 99 10,193,875 +840,024 2024, Week 50
8 nlSomeNumbers 88 6,808,410 +746,453 2024, Week 50
9 Glenn 92 7,753,720 +668,953 2022, Week 01
10 reech 78 4,376,769 +596,869 2021, Week 50
11 Ultimate Spinach 124 22,110,068 +592,543 2023, Week 07
12 cupcake_raptor 43 562,927 +562,701 2018, Week 02
13 Ozymandias 95 8,684,811 +545,334 2024, Week 50
14 Sakalam 62 1,985,825 +532,917 2024, Week 50
15 Lildevil 42 521,997 +517,390 2021, Week 02
16 LadyPotLuck 123 21,981,944 +512,062 2024, Week 39
17 LilyoftheValley 58 1,617,288 +480,059 2024, Week 29
18 Lord_Tyranno 99 10,247,842 +440,880 2018, Week 32
19 Thief 81 5,007,166 +432,807 2021, Week 08
20 freddo814 64 2,197,320 +420,423 2020, Week 15
21 Simba 74 3,720,209 +414,895 2011, Week 35
22 NebuneX 64 2,276,623 +404,784 2011, Week 27
23 Maarten 57 1,460,734 +387,529 2018, Week 49
24 A wild JR 59 1,682,899 +344,085 2019, Week 39
25 Elvis 110 14,877,656 +334,404 2022, Week 09
26 Ricky 45 629,533 +312,546 2024, Week 44
27 smitts 69 2,906,317 +307,168 2022, Week 50
28 Swooshy 62 1,999,522 +305,390 2024, Week 08
29 mida veel 83 5,551,808 +300,110 2012, Week 26
30 Twitxhy 71 3,202,857 +289,974 2022, Week 18
31 Ilya 49 901,001 +279,545 2024, Week 33
32 Koalabyte 57 1,468,320 +277,225 2023, Week 32
33 fork 47 783,197 +271,472 2022, Week 18
34 neggie333 54 1,225,948 +262,224 2020, Week 32
35 brokelad 62 1,940,312 +258,153 2024, Week 51
36 Arivae 64 2,167,355 +255,266 2018, Week 12
37 Green 42 534,132 +248,613 2014, Week 28
38 Gardenia 40 418,265 +244,899 2024, Week 51
39 adik 45 672,155 +241,228 2021, Week 02
40 Flipper 95 8,850,397 +231,177 2023, Week 38
41 Zebby 89 7,034,808 +230,421 2016, Week 27
42 Krishal 34 251,524 +225,145 2020, Week 29
43 Soonrgon 83 5,537,235 +223,706 2013, Week 28
44 chaz 55 1,332,528 +219,420 2013, Week 27
45 Aragon 46 682,846 +213,613 2010, Week 21
46 Ruto 63 2,065,093 +213,115 2024, Week 49
47 Godneys 45 630,268 +211,369 2023, Week 09
48 ChaosTheory 46 716,296 +209,110 2025, Week 03
49 Robin Hood 61 1,879,516 +207,632 2022, Week 31
50 Pendragon 58 1,549,523 +205,877 2022, Week 49
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- The Market place on the Syrnia Forums now display on our front page!

2025-01-18 Mr Tiddles

- You can now view your yearly exp gains when logged in after looking at your Records

2025-01-11 Mr Tiddles

- Fixed an issue with the max hit calculater not being correct!

2025-01-08 mazrim taim

- Fixed a bug where the Cooking Calculator logged users out

2025-01-07 Mr Tiddles

- A new snow code has been added with alot less lag! Also on player scores page the pop up option works again!

2024-12-11 mazrim taim