176 Players are online.

Joiners/Leavers tool

This page shows a list of players that have changed clan in the week you have selected. Only clan changes of players that have logged in in the past 14 days (at the time of updating this tool) can be shown. Inactive members that are kicked/deleted from a clan are removed from the clans at the sunday night wipe at 00:00. The global joiners/leavers tool updates every hour. You can order the table by clicking on a column head. Click twice to order it in reverse.
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This week | Last week | 2 weeks ago | 3 weeks ago

Hall of Shame Clan-Hoppers!

Player Old clan New clan
Black Clanless [Nomad]
Blaidd_Drwg Clanless [TxN]
blessit Clanless [Unity]
BLOODYSKY Clanless [Drunk]
chaosgothic Clanless [CLEAN]
DarkRider64 Clanless [Vibes]
Dextren Clanless [CLEAN]
Dieneces Clanless [Sane?]
Falobola Clanless [-AI-]
Fruitbat Clanless [Weird]
hijumper Clanless [CLEAN]
j-dub-08 Clanless [Tasty]
Kevdawgg Clanless [O.G.]
ManicatoX Clanless [KING]
Melium Clanless [=SoA=]
mengos Clanless [Moria]
Operative Clanless [-10-]
patternz Clanless [TLO]
puff_dogg_990 Clanless [~FoS~]
Pyriel28 Clanless [~FoS~]
Quiqonky Clanless [Elite]
Stefan Clanless [CLEAN]
Stunts Clanless [TLO]
Syphon Clanless [Fangz]
tmartin Clanless [TLO]
Typotato Clanless [CFH]


- Reworked the database and functions for the Deathscores. HoF still currently unavailable

2024-06-30 Mr Tiddles

- Removal of the Deathscores for now to rebuild them in the future

2024-06-30 Mr Tiddles

- Arch. caves 6 is being added we need all the info you can help us with! Feel free to message me and ill keep checking forums.

2024-06-08 mazrim taim

- New gamans added to creature list with normal non invasion exps!

2024-05-15 mazrim taim

- Death scores now display from our database to produce weekly kills

2024-05-15 Mr Tiddles

Contacting us

Contact one of our admins in game through messages.

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