Hall of Fame

In our hall of fame you can see the top 50 exp gains of all time. A player only appears once per skill with his or her personal record. The level and experience at the time of beating the record are also shown.
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Strength hall of fame

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Rank Player Lvl Exp Record Date of record
1 Stolo 165 61,107,360 +2,212,953 2023, Week 15
2 bellabell3 207 134,451,057 +2,046,561 2017, Week 44
3 wikid 170 66,766,635 +1,952,686 2023, Week 52
4 JoveS 134 29,281,117 +1,924,483 2018, Week 14
5 Makhai 116 17,434,778 +1,889,504 2018, Week 52
6 Mr Rng 130 26,640,887 +1,866,660 2022, Week 22
7 freddo814 139 32,918,855 +1,666,249 2023, Week 38
8 raveholtxp 108 13,815,042 +1,663,161 2017, Week 16
9 JR III 138 32,236,640 +1,647,873 2023, Week 14
10 Darren 179 81,179,752 +1,639,019 2024, Week 13
11 Deimos 118 18,769,182 +1,579,770 2024, Week 10
12 Aetris 117 18,025,085 +1,573,073 2018, Week 52
13 Glenn 135 29,898,863 +1,515,056 2023, Week 52
14 stone666 124 22,121,689 +1,504,332 2024, Week 52
15 Swooshy 105 12,663,277 +1,490,404 2023, Week 38
16 HellHound 153 46,799,687 +1,448,007 2017, Week 44
17 HolyEvil 139 33,091,997 +1,434,098 2017, Week 44
18 Shadowgate 136 30,586,645 +1,415,578 2023, Week 52
19 nlSomeNumbers 116 17,580,342 +1,370,247 2022, Week 43
20 Gardenia 109 14,151,033 +1,334,850 2023, Week 44
21 A wild JR 113 16,331,945 +1,329,660 2017, Week 50
22 chanmr 137 31,356,808 +1,329,218 2013, Week 52
23 Rag 172 69,542,691 +1,324,207 2021, Week 43
24 Durins_Bane 124 22,200,149 +1,319,045 2024, Week 14
25 Retla 107 13,201,390 +1,294,513 2016, Week 44
26 Kumiko 123 21,463,158 +1,275,483 2018, Week 14
27 fraggelmupp 148 41,105,469 +1,263,244 2023, Week 52
28 Deedar 136 30,966,471 +1,260,247 2016, Week 44
29 By Tor 156 50,263,581 +1,252,222 2022, Week 33
30 Gargonite 150 43,030,550 +1,248,741 2024, Week 52
31 Isaac 133 28,655,490 +1,224,029 2020, Week 16
32 Ignis Mundi 119 19,296,426 +1,204,209 2018, Week 14
33 Baspall 145 38,912,985 +1,176,149 2024, Week 14
34 Cousin Bubba 148 41,203,806 +1,175,287 2023, Week 52
35 Chase Miracleborn 148 41,892,967 +1,170,845 2023, Week 52
36 CheezyRN 143 36,717,839 +1,163,794 2020, Week 23
37 The Watcher 117 17,984,561 +1,139,567 2018, Week 13
38 lestro 120 19,635,908 +1,127,988 2013, Week 44
39 Oom Thys 129 25,744,849 +1,120,250 2024, Week 40
40 jove97 95 8,976,312 +1,114,667 2012, Week 51
41 G Bob 134 29,565,744 +1,095,492 2022, Week 43
42 Virtus 114 16,622,591 +1,095,268 2015, Week 10
43 Ansem 117 18,004,818 +1,076,317 2020, Week 23
44 Hazgod 78 4,340,255 +1,073,387 2011, Week 03
45 Felix 103 11,619,085 +1,071,548 2019, Week 44
46 PvP 123 22,010,460 +1,060,826 2011, Week 01
47 Rossi 73 3,474,258 +1,060,102 2018, Week 52
48 pedro 139 33,091,415 +1,057,958 2023, Week 43
49 Greensky 137 31,263,694 +1,056,536 2024, Week 09
50 GODofLIGHT 149 42,897,345 +1,047,816 2018, Week 48
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- The Market place on the Syrnia Forums now display on our front page!

2025-01-18 Mr Tiddles

- You can now view your yearly exp gains when logged in after looking at your Records

2025-01-11 Mr Tiddles

- Fixed an issue with the max hit calculater not being correct!

2025-01-08 mazrim taim

- Fixed a bug where the Cooking Calculator logged users out

2025-01-07 Mr Tiddles

- A new snow code has been added with alot less lag! Also on player scores page the pop up option works again!

2024-12-11 mazrim taim