Hall of Fame

In our hall of fame you can see the top 50 exp gains of all time. A player only appears once per skill with his or her personal record. The level and experience at the time of beating the record are also shown.
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Click on a skill icon to show the records in that specific skill:

Record holders

The record experience gains per skill are held by the following players. Congratulations!

Skill Player Record Date of record
Steve +80,102,245 2023, Week 52
Chase Miracleborn +3,116,568 2023, Week 15
bellabell3 +2,594,903 2024, Week 10
Makhai +2,320,747 2018, Week 14
Stolo +2,212,953 2023, Week 15
Chase Miracleborn +3,116,568 2023, Week 15
Pendragon +21,705,000 2023, Week 08
Steve +80,000,000 2023, Week 52
TermaMatrix +8,103,988 2023, Week 38
aussiebeast +7,455,113 2023, Week 37
Pandike +5,821,800 2024, Week 07
Maddness +607,348 2024, Week 47
Baspall +889,700 2022, Week 31
GreatScottie +1,700,174 2017, Week 17
JoveS +8,604,987 2024, Week 07
St0rmz_ +4,225,235 2025, Week 06
TheBeast +3,212,667 2024, Week 21

Contacting us

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- The Market place on the Syrnia Forums now display on our front page!

2025-01-18 Mr Tiddles

- You can now view your yearly exp gains when logged in after looking at your Records

2025-01-11 Mr Tiddles

- Fixed an issue with the max hit calculater not being correct!

2025-01-08 mazrim taim

- Fixed a bug where the Cooking Calculator logged users out

2025-01-07 Mr Tiddles

- A new snow code has been added with alot less lag! Also on player scores page the pop up option works again!

2024-12-11 mazrim taim