About The Cowboys From Hell [CFH]

Cowboys From Hell [CFH]

The Cowboys From Hell were founded by Outlaw, on Valentines Day of 2008.
The clan has come a long way, starting out as any other clan.
We often see ourselves ranked with the the most members of any clan.
We have had our issues but we are still here thriving.
Our clan is based on teamwork, and we have members in the top leaderboards for all skills. we like to see new faces from time to time so our clan will always be open to new players.

Joining us

If you are interested in joining, just message our clanleader. We will get back to you once we have decided if you can become our newest member.


Clanleader: Mr Tiddles

#77 Lamb active
#78 Flipper active
#124 Mr Tiddles active
#307 Makarov active
#308 misanthrope active
#360 Mazrim Taim active
#375 personer active
#426 Outlaw active
#464 00hed active
#474 Guts active
#541 ghstennis active
#623 Cast active
#721 WeaponX active
#774 gazman47 active
#865 Davey Jones active
#875 owl22 active
king198 active
MsGothy active
Corvairgod active
stitchrouge1 active
Loss0fc0ntroll active