Creature list

Below you will find a collection of all the monsters in Syrnia. You can click on a creature to get more information, e.g. at which locations it appears. During events, creatures give around 25% more experience. For creatures that appear during game events only, the event exp is shown by default.

Creatures give around 25% more experience during events. For event only creatures, the event exp is shown by default. = appears during events only. = creature can be launched in pirate invasion.

Settings: | combat locations | Bosses | Birthday | Easter | Halloween | Christmas | Other event creatures

Add on: drops | habitat

You can order the table by clicking on a column title. Click again to order it in reverse.
Note: Max hits are within reason but as always maximum known hits are not fully known.
Cl icon Name HP EXP EXP/HP Max hit Habitat
1 Rat 4 5 1,25 1 Remer island
2 Giant spider 6 6 1 2 Remer island, Dearn island
3 Fox 6 8 1,333 2 Dearn island
4 Cobra 7 10 1,429 3 Dearn island
4 Gnome 7 10 1,429 3 Remer island, Dearn island
6 Bat 8 13 1,625 4 Dearn island
6 Pirate 8 13 1,625 4 Skull island
7 Lizard 9 15 1,667 4 Serpenthelm island
7 Tree viper 9 15 1,667 4 Serpenthelm island
9 Black panther 11 18 1,636 6 Serpenthelm island
9 Python 11 18 1,636 6 Serpenthelm island
9 Wild dog 11 18 1,636 6 Dearn island
12 Dread pirate 14 24 1,714 9 Skull island
12 Wolf 14 24 1,714 7 Dearn island
12 Quail 15 24 1,6 8 Calmere Island
14 Barghrag 16 27 1,688 8 Ogre cave
15 Bear 17 29 1,706 9 Dearn island
15 Sorer spiderling 17 29 1,706 8 Webbers island
16 Lynx 17 31 1,824 10 Calmere Island
16 Half elf 18 31 1,722 10 Elven island
17 Sorer hunter 19 33 1,737 10 Webbers island
18 Keelhail pirate 19 35 1,842 10 -
18 Rogue 19 35 1,842 10 Mezno island
18 Vorgh 19 35 1,842 10 Ogre cave
19 Exiled elf 20 37 1,85 11 Elven island
19 Sorer queen 20 37 1,85 11 Webbers island
20 Badger 20 39 1,95 12 Calmere Island
20 Assassin 21 39 1,857 12 Mezno island
20 Elven warrior 21 39 1,857 12 Elven island
20 Lizardman 21 39 1,857 12 Serpenthelm island
20 Lizardwoman 22 39 1,773 12 Serpenthelm island
20 Wadjet 22 39 1,773 12 Exrollia
21 Baby khug giant 22 41 1,864 12 Elven island
21 Sorer king 28 41 1,464 12 Webbers island
22 Vururth 20 43 2,15 12 Ogre cave
22 Black bat 22 43 1,955 12 Arch. cave, Arch. cave 2
22 Pterosaurus 22 43 1,955 12 Exrollia
22 Dark elf 23 43 1,87 13 Elven island
22 Lizard shaman 23 43 1,87 13 Serpenthelm island
22 Oviraptor 25 43 1,72 13 Exrollia
24 Roughneck 25 47 1,88 14 -
24 Stone gaman 25 47 1,88 13 Arch. cave 2, Arch. cave 3
24 Witch doctor 25 47 1,88 13 Mezno island
24 Hadrosaurus 30 47 1,567 15 Exrollia
24 Sorer scary spider 36 47 1,306 12 Webbers island
24 Vaiva Elanori 36 49 1,361 13 Elven island
25 Rorghark bonebreaker 26 49 1,885 14 Ogre cave
25 Lizard chief 27 49 1,815 14 Serpenthelm island
25 Jotunghul 36 49 1,361 14 Ogre cave
26 Khug giant 27 51 1,889 14 Elven island
27 Grey bat 20 53 2,65 16 Arch. cave, Exrollia
27 Chippeway 28 53 1,893 15 Kanzo island
28 Dasem giant 29 55 1,897 16 Elven island
30 Wolverine 25 59 2,36 18 Calmere Island
30 Starving spider 33 59 1,788 17 Arch. cave 2, Arch. cave 3
31 Golden jackal 27 61 2,259 19 Calmere Island
31 Dark widow 32 61 1,906 18 Kanzo island
32 White bat 32 64 2 18 Arch. cave, Arch. cave 2, Exrollia
33 Giant salamander 29 65 2,241 20 Calmere Island
33 Iron scaled gaman 33 65 1,97 19 Arch. cave 2, Arch. cave 3
34 Koban miner 34 68 2 19 Arch. cave 2, Arch. cave 3, Arch. cave 4
34 Pegleg 34 68 2 20 -
36 Baby canlo giant 36 72 2 20 Elven island
36 Koban mothman 36 72 2 20 Exrollia
38 Centaur 38 77 2,026 22 Kanzo island
38 Toolbox mimic 41 77 1,878 23 Tirnus caves
43 Moldy chest mimic 47 87 1,851 27 Tirnus caves
44 Gorgon cloaker 42 90 2,143 25 Kanzo island
44 Griffin 49 90 1,837 24 Exrollia
47 Buccaneer 49 123 2,51 Unknown -
47 Ancient chest mimic 52 97 1,865 27 Tirnus caves
49 Red bat 49 90 1,837 27 Tirnus caves
50 Giant scarab 49 104 2,122 28 Anasco island
52 Steel scaled gaman 51 108 2,118 30 Arch. cave 3, Arch. cave 4
52 Cave rat 58 135 2,328 30 Tirnus caves
55 Mummy 53 116 2,189 31 Anasco island
57 Undead priest 55 121 2,2 32 Anasco island
58 Koban protector 56 123 2,196 33 Arch. cave 3, Arch. cave 4
58 Lost dweller 63 123 1,952 37 Tirnus caves
60 Serpopard 58 129 2,224 33 Anasco island
60 Hooked pirate 58 130 2,241 33 -
61 Yeti 60 130 2,167 43 Calmere Island
64 Cave dweller 69 138 2 34 Tirnus caves
65 Rima Soldier 65 141 2,169 40 Calmere Island
66 Gold scaled gaman 63 144 2,286 38 Arch. cave 3, Arch. cave 4
68 Rima Knight 67 149 2,224 43 Calmere Island
70 Ore eater 64 155 2,422 47 Tirnus caves
72 Cave shadow 69 160 2,319 49 Tirnus caves
79 Platina scaled gaman 75 179 2,387 44 Lost caves, Arch. cave 5
80 Rima General 74 181 2,446 46 Calmere Island
92 Syriet scaled gaman 87 215 2,471 52 Lost caves, Arch. cave 5
105 Obsidian scaled gaman 99 255 2,576 59 Arch. cave 5
122 Puranium scaled gaman 125 311 2,488 66 Arch. cave 6
130 Colossus olm 135 338 2,504 Unknown Arch. cave 6
135 Lycan cave spider 142 356 2,507 Unknown Arch. cave 6
145 Tiromyth scaled gaman 153 369 2,412 Unknown Arch. cave 6
156 Novariet scaled gaman 153 408 2,667 Unknown Arch. cave 6

Group-fight Creatures.

You can gather a team of fighters to defeat these types of monsters.
Cl icon Name HP EXP EXP/HP Max hit Habitat
128 Waranerus 168 1332 7,929 36 Arch. cave 4
149 Honurus 196 1656 8,449 42 Arch. cave 4
183 Stemosaurus 333 2044 6,138 47 Arch. cave 4
211 Roodarus 553 2668 4,825 50 Arch. cave 4
286 Platina flame dragon 751 4052 5,395 103 Arch. cave 5
331 Captain Keelhail 1000 4320 4,32 103 -
356 Syriet flame dragon 1000 7980 7,98 103 Arch. cave 5
426 Obsidian flame dragon 1250 11980 9,584 105 Arch. cave 5
Contacting us

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- New Personal Tools in the Calculators Section for players who are logged in.

2024-10-18 Mr Tiddles

- Added the Bosses Fighting Times to the bosses creature section so mobile users can view them

2024-09-29 Mr Tiddles

- New burn rate calculater in the calc section test it out and let us know if it needs adjusting!

2024-09-24 mazrim taim

- Farming Tool - Check out the new tool timer for your seeds on our home page above this announcement.

2024-09-15 Mr Tiddles

- We are reworking the database for the hourly tracker this week so we are removing data storage on it.

2024-08-25 Mr Tiddles