Arch. cave 6 autoattack

Autoattack [ max 156 ]

Upon entering this location you automatically enter a fight with one of the following creatures. Which creature attacks you is random and cannot be influenced.

Creatures summary

Avg CL Avg HP Avg EXP
138 142 356
Combined unique drops
x1 Puranium bars
x1 Locked sarcophagus
x2 Locked sarcophagus
x1 Locked ancient chest
x1-2 Locked sarcophagus
x1 Gamanite
x1 Amethyst
x1 Carnelian
x1 Spar
x1 Diamond
x1 Beryl
x1 Avril
x Garnet
x1 Ruby
x1 Puranium ore
x1 Titanium ore
x1 Bloodstone ore
x1 Novariet ore
x35-38 Gold piece
x1 Hardened spider silk
x1 Soft spider silk
Contacting us

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- Farming Tool - Check out the new tool timer for your seeds on our home page above this announcement.

2024-09-15 Mr Tiddles

- We are reworking the database for the hourly tracker this week so we are removing data storage on it.

2024-08-25 Mr Tiddles

- Added a Button to display a Popup on the right side of the home page to view bosses for players on desktop

2024-08-24 Mr Tiddles

- Reworked the Front page layout to be a cleaner look and we removed the Bossing Table

2024-08-20 Mr Tiddles

- Players who are not logged in can now view and see the shoutbox but will remain unable to post

2024-08-20 Mr Tiddles