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Syrnia News

Ac6 or Trick?
There is a building event at arch 5.12! I wonder if this will open the door to a new arch cave system?

Chat Update
It would seem that the system message that the mods use now has a super bright green chat similar to Clan chat! How cool :D

New Gamans
We have recently seen new Gamans roaming about in Arch. cave 5 system. They are the Novarite and Tiromyth Gamans.

New Scroll
A Scroll of the Pearl has been found randomly and we have no Idea what it's for. The rumors so far is that it helps you find Pearls while fishing at Tirnus Grotto.

Outland Spawns
It would seem that the outlands has seen some random Spawns of Ores called Solarite?

Latest Polls

We at TLgrounds were wondering? What is your Favorite Gathering Skill?
Answer Overview Votes
Mining 17
Fishing 11
Woodcutting 9
37 players have voted Click here to vote!

Boss Fights

Boss Name LvL Last Defeated Availble Available at
Emma The Teacher 0 53 Hours ago Available
0 Hours

Antha the Cave Troll 1 12 Hours ago Not Ready
0.2 Hours

Karkinos the Seabeast 1 13 Hours ago Available
0 Hours

Anders the Deserter 2 511 Hours ago Available
0 Hours

Golgol the Granite Golem 2 204 Hours ago Available
0 Hours


- Arch. caves 6 is being added we need all the info you can help us with! Feel free to message me and ill keep checking forums.

2024-06-08 mazrim taim

- New gamans added to creature list with normal non invasion exps!

2024-05-15 mazrim taim

- Death scores now display from our database to produce weekly kills

2024-05-15 Mr Tiddles

- 8 hours of this week's highscores have been lost. We are slowly fixing this issue and rewritting a lot of old code so bare with us. Hopefully it will be fixed from here on.

2024-04-22 Mr Tiddles

- Seed images have been updated if for some reason they are wrong somehwere let us know!

2024-04-22 mazrim taim

Contacting us

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