207 Players are online.

Xanso [ Mezno island ]

Auto attacks:No
PvP area:No
Move to other map:From this location you can travel to other maps!



Franer mines
185 speed exp
Franer mines

180 speed exp

190 speed exp

Read our speed guide to learn more about travelling in Syrnia.

To other maps

Port Dazar, Dearn island
Travelling is free
Dearn island

Web haven, Webbers island
Costs: 25gp
Webbers island

Heerchey docks, Heerchey island
Costs: 500gp
You must pay the fee to go there, as you cannot use your own boat. Heerchey island

Burning beach, Serpenthelm island
Costs: 250gp
Serpenthelm island

Port Calviny, Exrollia
Costs: 50gp


- New gamans added to creature list with normal non invasion exps!

2024-05-15 mazrim taim

- Death scores now display from our database to produce weekly kills

2024-05-15 Mr Tiddles

- 8 hours of this week's highscores have been lost. We are slowly fixing this issue and rewritting a lot of old code so bare with us. Hopefully it will be fixed from here on.

2024-04-22 Mr Tiddles

- Seed images have been updated if for some reason they are wrong somehwere let us know!

2024-04-22 mazrim taim

Contacting us

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