282 Players are online.

Fight at Ketil

Fight a creature of choice

At this location you can choose which of the following creatures you want to fight. You will only be attacked by the creature of your choice.

Creatures summary

Avg CL Avg HP Avg EXP
24 25 48
Combined unique drops
x1 Moonstone
x1 Bat hide
x1 Teps key
x1 Corn seeds


This action is available at:



- New gamans added to creature list with normal non invasion exps!

2024-05-15 mazrim taim

- Death scores now display from our database to produce weekly kills

2024-05-15 Mr Tiddles

- 8 hours of this week's highscores have been lost. We are slowly fixing this issue and rewritting a lot of old code so bare with us. Hopefully it will be fixed from here on.

2024-04-22 Mr Tiddles

- Seed images have been updated if for some reason they are wrong somehwere let us know!

2024-04-22 mazrim taim

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