The Lonely Outcasts [TLO]

The Lonely Outcasts [TLO]

We are a group of like-minded people looking to enjoy the game, have fun and achieve personal and/or clan goals. We started the clan 2010 and it has prospered well. We can offer advice to newer players as well as to all you salt n pepper veterans out there. We have plenty of self sufficient players as well as some specializing in various skills. We do not force donations, we help clan/each other when/if we want. As for clan rules, we don't really have any guidelines other than being respectful to all your clan members. Yes we make fun of each other. Just remember to be able to take as well as give.

Clan Requirements

Must either have TL-200+ or at least 1 skill lvl 40+ If this sounds like its something you'd like to be a part of then message fraggelmupp with your reason for wanting to join as well as your stats. Please note we vote on all possible new clannies, so do allow 24 hours before being notified :) We do prefer any potential new members to come join us for a visit before a vote takes place. Thanks for taking the time to read, and hope to see you soon :)


Clanleader: fraggelmupp

#3 - fraggelmupp
#5 - G Bob
#29 - Baspall
#71 - Quadiam
#73 - Goosh
#93 - Cari
#106 - Arivae
#108 - Mythlir
#144 - pipster
#149 - lizardking
#154 - Rouby
#164 - Shivers
#181 - Da_Mole
#191 - Cradle
#198 - poley
#242 - Aetris
#257 - patternz
#287 - woowoowig
#310 - ripple
#313 - Mona
#314 - Anarchy
#405 - Dommu
#514 - Dan
#618 - Yuuko
#644 - toumi
#996 - Catsocks
- Zenith
- huntress
- Amethyst
- Fairy
- demondchild